Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2012 - Quarterly Observation

True enough, 2012 is a year to remember:
  • My mother came back from her Umrah pilgrimage looking happy, healthy and contented. Alhamdulillah! She is such a darling person; reserved, loyal, full of love and unassuming! If I were to cut her into two, I still cannot be half of her. 
  • Beloved has adjusted well with his new job. He is still learning the ropes but being a workaholic, I'm sure he'll get the hang of it real soon!
  • When it comes to workouts and exercising, I am becoming lazier by the day. Seriously need to change this attitude. I have become rather complacent about this exercising regime. I hope I can be motivated enough to do some weight lifting. However, it is easier said than done..Sigh..
  • My love for Korean Drama has not diminished. In fact, I plan to do Korean Drama marathon this coming semester break!! Cant wait!!
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